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28.02.2022: dr Kaziwa Salih: "The Long Legacy of the Kurdish Genocide(s) From Leyla Qasim & Leyla Zana to Zahra Mohammadi"

Dr Kaziwa Salih wygłosi w ramach Seminariów iranistycznych swój referat pt. "The Long Legacy of the Kurdish Genocide(s) From Leyla Qasim & Leyla Zana to Zahra Mohammadi".

Oto wprowadzenie:

The Kurdish homeland, known as Kurdistan from the sixteenth century, has been partitioned twice (Nazan 2017). After the Battle of Chaldiran in 1514, the Kurd-inhabited areas were divided between the Safavid and Ottoman empires, an arrangement that was formalized in 1639 with the signing of the Treaty of Zuhab, also known as the Treaty of Kaser Shireen (Yanarocak 2009; Kaaky 2011; Dahlman 2002).  The second division as consequences of nation-building processes in the Middle East with the power of the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, among five states following World War I: Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, and the Soviet Union ( Gunter 2004). Each split can be mapped onto a series of geopolitical, demographic engineering, and genocidal actions ( Salih 2020).  I argue that the first patrician produced the Cultural genocide, and the second division produced the physical genocide, in addition to the cultural genocide. I also argue that the silence about cultural genocide fostered the physical genocide.

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